The Joke’s On Us! (1999)

The Joke’s On Us! (1999)

On May 10, 1999, Snapple, in partnership with Comic Relief and Turner Broadcasting, launched a six-week “The Joke’s On Us” comedy tour to raise money to aid the homeless. From LA to NYC, Snapple comedian Todd Glass and Snapple mascot Wendy Kaufman ran “comedy challenges” among local companies and individuals. Turner’s TBS Superstation aired a half dozen 30-second vignettes featuring funny highlights from the tour. At the end, Snapple donated $100,000 to Comic Relief, for use in healthcare-for-the-homeless projects in eight tour cities, including LA, Chicago, Philadelphia, and NYC.

Snapple “The Joke’s On Us” bottle caps featured 130 different jokes. At tour stops, consumers could exchange “The Joke’s On Us” bottle caps for the chance to tell jokes and win cash prizes, t-shirts, sipper bottles, and other Snapple merchandise, plus free drinks. Companies could bring in caps they collected to generate funds for the local Comic Relief chapter. Winners were brought to NYC for the June 17, 2013 “joke-off” finale. I don’t know the outcomes of the competition but the 130 jokes are featured below.

Snapple cap collectors Mike B. and Skip F. have collected all 130 “The Joke’s On Us” bottle caps and were generous enough to provide this list. If you have any of these caps, and are interested in trading or in providing pictures, please contact me at: chris at snapplecaps dot com.


1Why is a dot by itself just a dot, but when it's with other dots it suddenly becomes a polka dot?
2Q: Why do melons go to church to get married? A: Because they can't elope!
3Q: Why did the fig go out with the prune? A: Because it couldn't find another date.
4If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
5What's round, has teeth and bites? A vicious circle.
6Q: What kind of clothes do the workers wear at the Snapple plant? A: Mostly tea shirts.
7What do you get when you cross poison ivy and a four-leaf clover? A rash of good luck.
8What do you get when you cross a river and a stream? Wet feet.
9What's the favorite constellation of plumbers? The Big Dripper.
10If someone has a mid-life crisis while playing hide and seek, does he automatically lose because he can't find himself?
11Did you hear about the sword swallower who went on a diet? He was on pins and needles for six months.
12Q: Where does a sick ship go? A: To the doc.
13Why's it called rush hour if everything moves so slowly?
14Why was Cinderella thrown off the baseball team? Because she ran away from the ball.
15What does a baby computer call its father? Data
16What do you call a pancake that can't make a decision? A waffle.
17What's the worst thing a girl can say to an invisible man? I can't see you anymore.
18Q: How many paranoids does it take to change a light bulb? A: Why do you want to know?
19Q: How do you fix a broken tomato? A: Tomato paste
20Q: Why do cows wear bells? A: Because their horns don't work.
21Middle age is when the narrow waist and the broad mind begin to change places.
22If a girl scout does a good deed does she get brownie points?
23Why did the chef get slapped? He asked for a pinch of Rosemary.
24Did you hear the story about the broken pencil? It's pointless.
25Are feuding lumberjacks more productive if they bury the hatchet?
26What do you call a lazy shoe? A loafer.
27Why was the nature reserve so wealthy? It had over a million bucks.
28What happens to illegally parked frogs? They get toad away!
29What controls your head and always talks behind your back? A barber.
30Q: When Humpty Dumpty became an actor, what role did he play? A: Omelette.
31Q: What flies all day and never goes anywhere? A: A flag.
32How did the bucket look in the sun? Pail.
33What shoes should you wear if your basement is flooded? Pumps.
34Why was the short-order cook in a rush? Because he ran out of Thyme.
35What is the hardest thing about learning to rollerskate? The ground.
36What does a caterpillar do on New Year's Day? Turns over a new leaf.
37Q: Which month has twenty-eight days? A: All of them!
38Q: What would you call an earthquake in Manhattan? A: A Big Apple Turnover!
39Q: What do you call a vending machine that eats up all your change? A: Coinivorous.
40Claustrophobia : Fear of Santa.
41Do spiders have websites?
42Q: What did the ancient Egyptians say when they finished preparing a mummy? A: That's a wrap!
43If honesty is always the best policy, how come the truth hurts?
44Selfishness : A state of mine.
45What meal would you get if you crossed a pig and a frog? Ham and legs.
46Why is the school yard always longer at recess? Because there are more feet in it.
47How did the pods settle their dispute? In a peas treaty.
48Why should opera singers be good sailors? They know how to handle high C's.
49Why was the superhero's outfit edible? So he could have his cape and eat it too.
50What did the tree say to the woodpecker? You bore me.
51What did the one broom say to the other broom? Have you heard the latest dirt?
52There was two very competitive silkworms who had a race. It ended in a tie.
53What do aliens serve their tea on? Flying saucers.
54Q: Where did the whale go when it was almost bankrupt? A: He went to see the loan shark.
55What does everyone get each birthday? Older.
56If you put three ducks in a carton, what do you get? A box of quackers.
57When is a door not a door? When it's ajar.
58Why do cats love computer games? They like to play with the mouse.
59Does a chicken get insulted if you call it chicken?
60When is a basketball player like a baby? When he dribbles.
61What does an invisible baby drink? Evaporated milk.
62What did the skydiving cashews say to each other? We're nuts.
63Why would a field of corn have such a bad memory? Everything goes in one ear and out the other.
64Why did the girl sit on her watch? She wanted to be on time.
65What do you call a cow get-together? A meat and greet.
66What do you call a gas station attendant? Phil Errup.
67What is drawn by everyone without pen or pencil? Breath
68What does an elf do after school? Gnome work.
69What did the wall say to the electric plug? Socket it to me!
70What did Mozart write in bed? Sheet music.
71The 'theory of relativity' says no matter what you do in life your relatives will have a theory.
72What runs around the garden but never moves? A fence.
73If someone drives you up a wall, who pays for the gas?
74A passenger who becomes afraid when driving underground is said to suffer from "carpool tunnel syndrome."
75How did the rocket lose his job? He was fired.
76What do plates always say? Lunch is on me.
77A friend will give you the shirt off his back. A real friend will give you one of his clean ones.
78When do you charge a new battery? When you can't pay cash.
79What do you call an owl rock band? The Hoo.
80A salesman mentioned that he'd only gotten three orders for an entire week of work: Get out. Stay out. And don't come back.
81Why were the sardines out of work? They got canned!
82Why is it so quiet during a tennis match if the players are raising a racquet?
83What does a female koala always carry in her pouch? Eucalipstick.
84Why was the morning performance of Shakespeare in the Park cancelled? Much to do about nothing.
85When is a shellfish stronger than a shark? When its all mussel.
86Giving a speech is like drilling for oil: if you don't succeed in 20 minutes, stop boring.
87What do you call a policeman in the ocean? Of-fish-er.
88What did one wall say to the other? "Meet you at the corner."
89Q: What do they call learning to dance on the installment plan? A: Dancing check to check.
90Q: Why did the Post Office discontinue the Pony Express? A: The workers kept horsing around!
91Why do they use knots instead of miles on the ocean? To keep the ocean tide.
92What is a fish's favorite game? Salmon Says.
93What do you call a greedy crab? Shellfish.
94Tyler: "Did anyone laugh when you fell on the ice?" Travis: "No, but the ice made a few cracks."
95What has teeth, never bites and is easy to part with? A comb.
96What is worse than raining cats and dogs? Hailing taxis and buses.
97What happened to the guy who got trapped in a glass room? He was in a lot of pane.
98Why is it usually cold at outdoor football games? So many fans.
99Q: Who earns his living without doing a day's work? A: A night watchman.
100Why was the nervous carpenter fired? He was constantly biting his nails.
101Why did the grave digger quit? He was sick of the hole industry.
102Why don't you have to ask what the capital of Alaska is? Because Juneau already.
103What travels around the world but stays in a corner? A stamp.
104What has wings, sits in trees, and is out of its mind? A raven lunatic.
105What do you get if you cross an owl with an oyster? Pearls of wisdom.
106What's the big problem with the restaurant on the moon? No atmosphere.
107A second guess is what you give your teacher when your first answer is wrong.
108Life is like a doughnut: you are either in the dough or in the hole.
109Have you heard of Amoeba State Prison? It's so small there's only one cell.
110Why can't hurricanes get along? They never see eye to eye.
111What's the saddest dog? A melon-collie.
112 "If it's called a fair, why do they take you for a ride?"
113What do you call a broken mountaineering pick? An anti-climb ax.
114Why was the pig so unpopular? Because he was a boar.
115Where do you put a Grade A hot dog? On the honor roll.
116What do you get if you cross a lizard with a baseball player? An outfielder who catches flies on his tongue.
117What's the wisest spice? Sage
118What's the safest place in a haunted house? The living room.
119What do you get if you cross a pig and a frog? A hamphibian.
120What do you call a pen with an idea? An inkling.
121Q: Why do amoebas make terrible mathematicians? A: They divide to multiply.
122What does a broom do at night? Goes to sweep.
123How does a computer eat? it takes little bytes.
124Why shouldn't you lose your temper? Because no one else wants it.
125Why did the peanut call 911? He was a salted.
126Why can't the three little pigs be FBI agents? Because they spent time in the pen.
127Have you ever tried to tickle a mule? You'd get a big kick out of it.
128What do penguins sleep on? Sheets of ice.
129The trouble with being a good sport is that you have to lose to prove it.
130How do you tell when a doctor is most annoyed? When he runs out of patients.